Marking report for CSC364 Problem Set 3 Summer 2001 Alan Skelley Total: 50 marks, 10 per question. 1: a) /7 5 for the algorithm, 2 for the runtime. Very incorrect algorithms generally got around 2 total Algorithms with small errors got around 5 total Not using the FACT got 0. Note: Many people incorrectly discarded used clauses or did not do enough passes over the clauses. Many estimated running time wrong. b) /3 0-3 depending on how precisely students talked about the exponential number of clauses. 2: a) /5 Almost everyone got 5 except for big algorithm errors b) /5 5 for a correct reduction 4 for an almost correct reduction with the right idea 2 for a slightly correct reduction Note: Need edges amongst new edges AND to original graph. 3: 2 per part. 0 for incorrect assertion. 2 for correct alg/reduction 1 for almost correct alg/reduction 0 for bad alg/reduction a) Note: Can't just assert a variable's value, need clauses to force it. b) Note: Can't reduce TSP directly since binary lengths blow up to exponential size e) Note: Many people got the reduction backwards. Given graph, construct diplomats. 4. 3 for the finite case, 7 for the infinite one. Question VERY poorly done. Please read solution before complaining. You can't just assume a size-order enumerator exists! 5. a) /5 b) /5 Note: Also poorly done. Please read solutions.