COMMENTS ON PROBLEM SET 1 by Mohammad Mahdian I was very lenient in marking and gave some partial marks to any student who tried in some good direction to solve a problem. Also, I gave full mark to students who have solved the problem, but have small mistakes. In problem 2 (b), some students have written a counter-example that consists of two vertices and two parallel edges between them. I gave full-mark (2) to them, because it is not written explicitly (neither in the problem set, nor in the lecture notes) that graphs cannot have multiple edges, and I thought that some student might have seen other definitions of graphs, allowing multiple edges, in some other course. In problem 3, some students have found an interesting solution (which in fact was the only completely correct solution): It is clear that in the optimal solution, there are at most p-1 coins of value p^i, for each i. Therefore, if p^i is the largest coing that fits, the optimal solution must contain p^i, since (p-1)*p^{i-1}+...+(p-1)*p+(p-1) is less than p^i. I gave 4 marks to students who tried in the right direction, but couldn't prove it rigorously that if p^i is the largest coin that fits, then there is a subset of the optimal solution with sum equal to p^i. Problem 4 was the easiest one. Most of the students solved it. Problem 5 was the most difficult problem. Almost all of the students have written the Floyd's algorithm as the solution to this problem. I gave 2 marks to those kind of solution.