Marking Scheme and Common Errors, Q2 & Q4 Test 1 Tim Paterson Q2: 10 Marks for the correct DFA 1 per minor error (transition incorrect, state incorrect) If the DFA was incorrect at a fundamental level, but showed good work from that point on, I gave the student 5 marks (-1 for minor errors in work, as above) Q4: 10 marks for a complete solution. Part marks as follows: 2 marks for correctly stating the M-N Theorem 4 marks for correctly identifying a set of equivalence classes 4 marks for showing that these equivalence classes were pairwise distinguishable, and stating that therefore the language was not regular. Q2: This was generally well done, although many students made the error of thinking delta({q_0, q_1}, a) = {q_0, q_2} rather than {q_0, q_1, q_2}. Q4: This question was done quite poorly. Most students made one of the following mistakes: 1) Stating that regular languages have to be finite, and concluding that A is not regular because it is infinite 2) Mistaking the M-N theorem for a statement about distinguishability (i.e. that A is regular if it contains two strings that can be distinguished), or a statement about equivalence relations (some students attempted to show that the language A was an equivalence relation either with itself, or with Sigma-*. 3) Some students attempted to show that A was not regular using some other method (usually by arguing that it couldn't be represented by a finite set of states). However, they didn't do this in the context of the M-N Theorem (i.e. by using the equivalence classes of the language).