Mechatronics Engineering Launch at CI

28458926065_ae45658ca8_z 28458926955_c09f6c0347_zYesterday we participated in the launch of Mechatronics Engineering at CI. This new program will be housed under Computer Science, and the first group of students is going to be admitted in the Fall 2018.

We were honored to have Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin who helped secure the funds to start engineering at CI, and the event was presided by President Rush, in one of his last appearances before his retirement.

The event was held in the lobby of Sierra Hall, the new STEM building, with Computer Science labs on the first floor, and demos of faculty/student projects in the Robotics lab and the Embedded systems lab.

Computer Science Talk in Mobile Robotics

On November 4th, at 6pm, in the Petit Salon, Computer Science is organizing an event to which everyone is invited, especially current and prospective graduate students. There is going to be food, good company, and an exciting talk by Dr. Quintero (see ad below). For more information, please contact David Claveau <>.


I will be giving a talk in the Math/CS seminar on String Algorithms on Feb 4th at 6pm

Refreshments will be served

Title: Algorithms on Strings

Speaker: Michael Soltys

Date/Place: February 4th, 2015, at 6pm, in Del Norte 2530

Abstract: This talk is going to be centered on two papers that are going to appear in the following months:

Visit for more details (these two papers are number 3 and 19 on the page), as well as Python programs that can be used to illustrate the ideas in the papers. We are going to introduce some basic concepts related to computations on string, present some recent results, and propose two open problems.

[slideshare id=44312520&doc=58u6pekjqw64cjzdvrsk-signature-f0ae8e5a00d770c2e0072edb9ec77b21ee46e0a5ae498d1f34e55c834fdcea47-poli-150205095411-conversion-gate01]

CI student gadget wins a national award

CI junior Danny Larkins had been studying art for three years when he switched his major to computer science because “it felt right,” he said.

An award Larkins won from a national software company this week suggests Larkins made a good choice. Larkins won the national “2014 OmniUpdate Gadget Challenge” for a software “gadget” he invented.

OmniUpdate is a Camarillo-based web content management systems company for institutions of higher learning. CI is among 700 colleges and universities that use OmniUpdate.

via CI student’s ‘gadget’ wins a national award – News Releases – CSU Channel Islands.

New Computer Science Website at CI

We are very happy to debut an updated web site for Computer Science at CI:

This website builds on a site tirelessly maintained by AJ Bieszczad, and we are especially grateful to the talented team at CI’s Technology & Communication, who built the new site for us.  In particular:

Daniel Martinez
Ryan Garcia
Corey Madden
Kevin Mapp