
Open PostDoc position at the research group Theoretical Computer Science at University of Siegen, Germany

Open PostDoc position at the research group Theoretical Computer Science at University of Siegen, Germany
The Chair for Theoretical Computer Science, Department for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Faculty IV at University of Siegen is accepting applications for one doctoral post  (salary category TV-L 13, 100%) for a duration of 3 years.
* Job description:
This position will enable a student to complete his/her doctoral degree.
We expect:
– Development of models and algorithms for diagnosis of distributed embedded real-time systems
– Development of specific algorithms for data compression of diagnosis data streams and theoretical analysis of these algorithms
– Documentation of results and preparation of project reports
– Supervising students for seminar/Bachlor thesis/Master thesis projects
– Completion of PhD
* Your profile:
– Master’s degree or a Diploma in computer science, mathematics or electrical engineering
– Solid knowledge in Theoretical Computer Science and very good mathematical skills
– Specific knowledge in data compression, information theory, algorithmics, and embedded systems are advantageous
– Programming skills in C, C++ are advantageous as well
– Very good English language skills
* University of Siegen:
With 20,000 students, 1,900 employees, including 1,200 academic positions, the University of Siegen is an innovative institution emphasizing interdisciplinary orientation. Consisting in a broad spectrum of departments, from liberal arts, social sciences, and economics to natural sciences and engineering, the University of Siegen provides an outstanding teaching and research environment with numerous inter/transdisciplinary research projects.
Information on the University of Siegen is available online:
The University of Siegen is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in this type of employment, the University actively encourages applications from women. The University facilitates viable combination of professional and family needs. For candidates with equal qualification, preference will be given to people with physical disabilities.
* Contact for further information: Prof. Markus Lohrey, Tel. 0271/740-2826, email:
Please send your application documents (resume, copies of diplomas and certificates) in duplicate till  December 17, 2015 with reference number 2015/IV/ETI/WM/219 to the following address:  Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey, Universität Siegen, Hölderlinstr. 3, 57076 Siegen, Germany.

Computer Science Talk in Mobile Robotics

On November 4th, at 6pm, in the Petit Salon, Computer Science is organizing an event to which everyone is invited, especially current and prospective graduate students. There is going to be food, good company, and an exciting talk by Dr. Quintero (see ad below). For more information, please contact David Claveau <>.


Finishing reading the classic, The Intellectual Life by Sertillanges

41jUEGNNQyL._SX297_BO1,204,203,200_ Antonin-Dalmace_SertillangesI’m finishing reading a great book, by Sertillanges. It is a classic “manual” for intellectual pursuits: how to organize one’s time, how to become a specialist without losing the wider perspective, etc. A.G. Sertillanges, O.P., (the O.P. abbreviates Order of Preachers, Ordo Praedicatorum, Dominicans, in England also called “Blackfriars”) wrote this book a century ago, and in some ways it is a bit old fashioned – he didn’t experience today’s deluge of information – but it is still an extremely useful work for anyone who wants an intellectual life, what we now call “life-long-learning”.

Neerja Mhaskar and I have a paper presented at PSC 2015

We (Neerja Mhaskar and Michael Soltys) had our paper presented at the Prague Stringology Conference; the paper introduces a new formal framework for Stringology, which consists of a three-sorted logical theory S designed to capture the combinatorial reasoning about finite words:

And these are the slides: