
Eric Valenzuela, a CSUCI Computer Science graduate, working at Yardi

Eric Valenzuela graduated with a degree in Computer Science in 2016. He is now a web developer at Yardi. During his years at CI, Eric was a Software Engineering interns at Sandia National Laboratories. Before his current position at Yardi, he was a Software Engineer at CTL SystemWare.

Understanding Cybersecurity & Privacy Best Practices

Understanding “industry best practices” involves a simple process of distilling expectations for both cybersecurity and privacy requirements. This process is all part of identifying reasonable expectations that are “right-sized” for an organization, since every organization has unique requirements. It can be best to visualize “best practices” as a buffet of cybersecurity and privacy controls, where you select what is applicable to your organization, based on statutory, regulatory and contractual obligations.

Source: (18) Understanding Cybersecurity & Privacy Best Practices | LinkedIn

Decade of research shows little improvement in password guidance 

Leading internet brands including Amazon and Wikipedia are failing to support users with advice on how to securely protect their data, a study shows.More than a decade after first examining the issue, research by the University of Plymouth has shown most of the top ten English-speaking websites offer little or no advice guidance on creating passwords that are less likely to be hacked.Some still allow people to use the word ‘password’, while others will allow single-character passwords and basic words including a person’s surname or a repeat of their user identity.

Source: Decade of research shows little improvement in password guidance – University of Plymouth

One of our masters students now working at GBL as a Software Engineer

Eric Gentry recently joined GBL Systems, a government contract company working with the Navy at Point Mugu Naval Base. GBL Systems ( is based in Camarillo and works with CSUCI to hire top performing Computer Science graduates. Eric leads a team of software developers in creating military grade RADAR system tools as the Senior Software Architect and Team Lead.

You can see more about Eric Gentry in this post.

Our graduates getting great jobs!

PhD fellowships in Computer Science at the University of Pisa

14 PhD fellowships in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, covering three years: Nov 2018 – Oct 2021

This PhD program is a joint collaboration between the University of Pisa and the Universities of Florence and Sienna. Among the 14 fellowships: one is specifically reserved to students which got their master degree outside Italy, one fellowship is devoted to researches on Cyber-security, one on the theme Big Data, and one onthe theme “Human-Robot Interaction”. The others cover the general theme “Computer Science”. We also have 4 more positions without fellowships.

Fellowships are increased by 50% for periods of research visits abroad. Extra funding is available for participation to international conferences, schools, workshops, and short research visits. The language of the PhD program is English.

The deadline for applications is 25 July 2018 (hr 13:00).

For more info on the call please look at the site:



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Katyń, Smolensk and my grandfather

My grandfather Antoni Zbigniew Soltys-Kulinicz, middle, was an officer in the Polish army during World War II. He was imprisoned in a POW camps, and at the end of the war took the first deposition of the Katyń massacre, and thus helped to shed light on this Soviet atrocity against poles. He found himself in London after the war, but decided to return to his home country, now under Soviet occupation, and he lived there knowing that his connection to Katyń (a massacre that was hypocritically denied by the Soviets and the puppet regime in Poland) could cost him his freedom or his life. Especially, as he was mentioned in history books for his role in translating into English the depositions given to him by witnesses.

I plan to write a longer post about this fascinating history, but for now I will note that sadly history repeats itself, as new evidence is coming to light that the crash of the Polish airplane (April 10, 2010), carrying the entire head of the Polish government to Smolensk to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Katyń, took place with Russian involvement. Among the dead were President Lech Kaczyński and his wife, much of the president’s staff, 18 parliamentarians, 10 generals and admirals representing Poland’s top military leadership, and many other political notables. The disaster decapitated Warsaw. Read more here.

RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) is finding two postdoc researchers

Succinct information processing unit in RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) is finding two postdoc researchers.
Deadline for application: July the 31st, 2018
Start date: Mutually agreed
Term: at least three years that can be extended
Salary: relatively high (depends on your academic record); Fee for an apartment and commute will be supported.
AIP is a new research center for artificial intelligence in Japan.
Succinct information processing unit aims at developing new methods in the area of data compression, data structures, algorithms and their applications in machine learning.
Please contact Yasuo Tabei ( directly for more information.
For more detail about AIP and job description, also visit