
Full time Sys Admin Position at Elite Metal Finishing

The position will provide training in the following areas:

  • Maintaining and supporting Windows based servers (Server 2008 R2) and workstations (Windows 7 / XP).
  • Apply patches and updates to infrastructure components during maintenance releases as required.
  • Basic network understanding (IPv4, Subnetting, DHCP, DNS, Default Gateway, etc.)
  • Ability to configure and maintain switches, firewalls, and wireless bridging antennas.
  • Understanding the configuration of DHCP, DNS, Active Directory, File and Printer Sharing.
  • Understanding computers and its components (Motherboard, CPU, Memory, GPU, Storage [HDD, SSD], etc.)
  • Provide support to users in Microsoft Office 2010/2013, including Word, Excel and Access.
  • Determine and find a solutions to everyday system performance issues.
  • Basic security understanding and ability to clean an infected system containing Viruses/Malware, and other malicious software.
  • Reconfiguring and reinstalling systems with clean install of Windows.
  • Installation of drivers, software, and ability to do basic software and hardware troubleshooting.
  • Basic understanding on configuring privileges and setting up new users on a Windows Domain through Active Directory.
  • Configuring privileges for users for network shared documents and folders (QNAP).
  • Set up new users and privileges in our ERP software (Visual Shop)
  • Configuring and Maintaining Microsoft Exchange Online (Office 365).
  • Create and assign licensing to new or preexisting user emails.
  • Configure Group Emails within the Company’s Domain through Exchange Online.
  • Set up Printers, Barcode Scanner, and be able to troubleshoot occasional printer problems.
  • Maintaining inventory on Printer Toners and supplies to make sure each printer has replacement parts.
  • Ability to do Firmware upgrades on Printers, Computers, and other Devices.
  • Basic Database understanding (SQL Server, Access).
  • Perform system backups on servers and workstations in case of disaster recovery.
  • Basic understanding of phone systems and configuration of extensions and voice mails.

If interested, please contact:

Crypto Postdoctoral position in the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux

An 11 months postdoctoral position is available in the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux (UMR 5251), University of Bordeaux, starting from September 1st, 2015. The successful applicant will participate in the project SIMPATIC (SIM and PAiring Theory for Information and Communications security) funded by the French ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).

The candidates will work on one of the following subjects :

Development of new cryptographic protocols based on pairings, especially the protocols suitable for the context of SIM cards. A PhD thesis in cryptography and a good knowledge of cryptographic protocols and of security proofs is required.

Construction of pairing-friendly curves suitable for the context of SIM cards. A PhD thesis in Algorithmic Number Theory and a good knowledge of elliptic curves is required.

The candidates are invited to contact Guilhem Castagnos ( ) or Damien Robert ( ) for further information and to send their applications ( cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae with a list of publications, letters of recommendation) before June 26th 2015.

Funded Doctoral Positions in Computer Science in Austria

TU Wien, TU Graz, and JKU Linz are seeking exceptionally talented and
motivated students for their joint doctoral program LogiCS. The LogiCS
doctoral college focuses on interdisciplinary research topics covering

(i) computational logic, and applications of logic to
(ii) databases and artificial intelligence as well as to
(iii) computer-aided verification.

Details are provided on

Technology Employment Opportunities at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth is seeking an entry-level developer to join a dynamic and innovative development team. Qualified candidates will be expected to develop using C# and SQL Server. The Developer I will be part of team working on front and back-end development. Responsibilities include designing and coding web applications and modules that interact with middleware infrastructure, SQL Server, and API/Web Service applications. He/she will work closely with the project management team for gathering, organizing, and drafting technical and functional specifications.

Palindromes Week – take COMP 454 in the Fall 2015 and learn everything!

A palindrome is a word or expression that reads the same forward as backward; a famous palindrome is “madam i m adam”, from James Joyce’s Ulysses. Another one is the word “racecar”. Yet another very famous one is in the title of NOVA’s “A Man, a Plan, a Canal – Panama!”. They are interested for computer scientists as they are strings with many properties (my book “An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms” has a section on algorithms for palindromes). But they are much more than games; nature uses them, and for example many DNA strands in our genetic code are palindromic.

In the Fall 2015 I will be teaching a course, COMP 454, that will be using palindromes as an example of many computational properties.

PhD Position at the Institute of Applied Geometry, Linz, Austria

The Institute of Applied Geometry, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria, has an opening for a PhD student position for a period of 3 years. The position is available within the FWF-funded project VORONOI++, which is led by Franz Aurenhammer, Graz University of Technology. The project involves research groups at universities in Graz, Linz (both Austria), Bonn (Germany) and Lugano (Switzerland). Applicants should have a strong background in Computational Geometry and Geometric Computing.

A Master degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a closely related field (such as Computer Science) is required for the PhD position. The working language is English. For more information contact Professor Bert Jüttler, email: Further information about the Institute of Applied Geometry and Johannes Kepler University is available at the web pages and

Applications with personal and scientific data and a compact statement about scientific interests and achievements should be sent by email to:

The yearly gross salary amounts to € 28.348,60 (14 times € 2.024,90 per month, 30 hours per week).

The Johannes Kepler University is an equal opportunities employer.

Deadline for application: June 1st, 2015.

Address: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bert Jüttler, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Institut für Angewandte Geometrie, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria