Crypto Postdoctoral position in the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux

An 11 months postdoctoral position is available in the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux (UMR 5251), University of Bordeaux, starting from September 1st, 2015. The successful applicant will participate in the project SIMPATIC (SIM and PAiring Theory for Information and Communications security) funded by the French ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).

The candidates will work on one of the following subjects :

Development of new cryptographic protocols based on pairings, especially the protocols suitable for the context of SIM cards. A PhD thesis in cryptography and a good knowledge of cryptographic protocols and of security proofs is required.

Construction of pairing-friendly curves suitable for the context of SIM cards. A PhD thesis in Algorithmic Number Theory and a good knowledge of elliptic curves is required.

The candidates are invited to contact Guilhem Castagnos ( ) or Damien Robert ( ) for further information and to send their applications ( cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae with a list of publications, letters of recommendation) before June 26th 2015.

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