
Cybersecurity should be professionalized – or not?

This piece, and many others, proposes to professionalize cybersecurity. I’m not sure that it is possible or desirable… 

While demand for cybersecurity skills is increasing exponentially, the educational, training and certification processes to prepare people for careers in the field continue to be highly decentralized, ad hoc and non-standard, says a new report. This is leading for renewed calls for the professionalization of the cybersecurity field, especially since the IT industry currently has a shortage of the highly technically skilled people who can design secure systems, write safe computer code and create the tools needed to prevent, detect and mitigate attacks and system failures. Professionalizing the industry would create clearly defined roles and career paths for people entering the field and make it easier to establish education and training requirements.

Cybersecurity should be professionalized – Computerworld.

Stroustrup: Why the 35-year-old C++ still dominates ‘real’ dev

In an interview, C++ designer Bjarne Stroustrup says the programming language remains vital and relevant 35 years after he first designed it in 1979 because of its ability to handle complexity, making it the go-to solution for telecom, financial, and embedded applications and online systems such as Amazon and Google. Stroustrup says Google’s Go language, which has been receiving a great deal of attention, can “do a few things elegantly,” but loses “the edge in performance.” Stroustrup says he used C++ for projects that “required a real programming language and real performance,” by way of noting the language is more suitable for large-scale projects than small apps or hobbyists. Stroustrup says he is continuing to work to build the capabilities of C++ with the release of a new minor edition, C++ 14, this year. The update offers several improvements, including new templates and better memory initialization. Asked what role security should play in software development, Stroustrup says, “security is a systems issue.” He also calls for greater professionalism among software programmers. “There are things in our society that mustn’t break, and most of them depend on software,” he says.

Stroustrup: Why the 35-year-old C++ still dominates ‘real’ dev | Application development – InfoWorld.

Southern California Albertsons stores hit by data breach

The Albertsons grocery chain said Friday that hackers attempted to obtain customer credit and debit card information from its approximately 180 Southern California stores, as well as those in several other states.

The data breach started as early as June 22 and ended July 17 at the latest, Albertsons said.

Albertsons, based in Boise, Idaho, said it has no evidence any customer data was misused, or even stolen. The company said it believes that the breach has been contained, and that customers can safely use their cards in its stores.

The breach is the latest to hit large U.S. retailers, including Target Corp., and has renewed concerns about the safety of credit card information. The threat extends beyond big business — smaller independent shops have been hit by cyber theft as well, according to a California database.

via Southern California Albertsons stores hit by data breach – LA Times.

Expanding cybersecurity and privacy research

The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program has announced new projects designed to support cybersecurity research and education and address grand challenges in cybersecurity science and engineering. SaTC has awarded Frontier awards to help establish the Center for Encrypted Functionalities (CEF), and to the Modular Approach to Cloud Security (MACS) project. CEF’s goal is to use new encryption methods to make a computer program invisible to outside observers without compromising its functionality, through program obfuscation, which involves creating software that can hide vulnerabilities from potential adversaries and strengthen encryption and information transfer. CEF also plans to introduce cybersecurity and computer science to under-represented groups and to develop free Massive Open Online Courses on the fundamental principles of encryption. Meanwhile, MACS will build information systems for the cloud with multilayered security, and plans to use the Massachusetts Open Cloud as a testbed. MACS will build the cybersecurity system from separate functional components to develop an entire system derived from the security of its components.

Expanding cybersecurity and privacy research » CCC Blog.

Google’s big-data tool, Mesa, holds petabytes of data across multiple servers

Google says its big-data architecture, Mesa, can store petabytes of data, update millions of rows of data per second, and field trillions of queries daily across multiple servers, enabling continuous operation of the data warehouse even if a data center fails. “Mesa ingests data generated by upstream services, aggregates and persists the data internally, and serves the data via user queries,” note Google researchers. They say Mesa was originally constructed to house and analyze critical measurement data for Google’s Internet advertising business, but the technology could be applicable to other, similar data warehouse tasks. Mesa is dependent on other Google technologies, such as the Colossus distributed file system, the BigTable distributed data storage system, and the MapReduce data analysis framework. Google engineers implemented Paxos, a distributed synchronization protocol, to help address query consistency issues. Mesa also can operate on generic servers, making costly specialized hardware unnecessary and enabling Mesa to be run as a cloud service with the advantage of scalability.

Google’s big-data tool, Mesa, holds petabytes of data across multiple servers – Computerworld.

Verifying preferred SSL/TLS ciphers with Nmap

A very interesting script written by Bojan Zdrnja — the script itself can be found on GitHubNote that I had to upgrade  namap to nmap-6.25 with the command 

brew install nmap

In last year or two, there has been a lot of talk regarding correct usage of SSL/TLS ciphers on web servers. Due to various incidents more or less known incidents, web sites today should use PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy), a mechanism that is used when an SSL/TLS connection is established and symmetric keys exchanged. PFS ensures that, in case an attacker obtains the server’s private key, he cannot decrypt previous SSL/TLS connections to that server. If PFS is not used (if RSA is used to exchange symmetric keys), then the attacker can easily decrypt *all* previous SSL/TLS connections. That’s bad.

However, the whole process of choosing a cipher is not all that trivial. By default, the client will present its preferred cipher to use and as long as the server supports that cipher it will be selected. This is, obviously, not optimal in environments where we want to be sure that the most secure cipher will always be selected, so administrators quite often enable their servers so they get to pick the preferred cipher.

This allows an administrator to enable only ciphers he wants to have used, and additionally to define their priorities – the server will always try to pick the cipher with the highest priority (which should be “the most secure one”). Only if the client does not support that cipher, the server will move to the next one and so on, until it finds one that is supported by the client (or, if it doesn’t, the SSL/TLS connection will fail!).

This is good and therefore I started recommending web server administrators to configure their servers so that PFS ciphers are turned on. However, at several occasions I noticed that the administrators incorrectly set the preferred cipher suite order on the server. This can result in non-PFS cipher suites selected, although both the server and the client support PFS.

via InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog – Verifying preferred SSL/TLS ciphers with Nmap.

New Protection Scheme Makes Weak Passwords Virtually Uncrackable

A team of researchers at the New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering say they have found a way to help organizations better protect passwords.

Using an open-source password protection scheme they dubbed PolyPasswordHasher, the researchers believe they can make it much more difficult for hackers to decode even the shortest individual passwords. The PolyPasswordHasher is currently being tested as part of the Password Hashing Competition, a global effort organized by security professionals to identify new password protection schemes.

According to the researchers, most passwords are stored in databases using a salted hash, a one-way encryption technique that offers protection in the event a database is hacked. However in cases where attackers gain privileged access to a running system, they can intercept an administrator’s password information before that protection is in place.

With PolyPasswordHasher, password information is never stored directly in a database; the information is used to encode a cryptographic “store” that cannot be validated unless a certain number of passwords are entered. In other words, an attacker would need to crack multiple passwords simultaneously in order to verify any single hash.

via New Protection Scheme Makes Weak Passwords Virtually Uncrackable | SecurityWeek.Com.

PHP gets its own formal language specification

Although the PHP scripting language has been around since 1995 and is a staple of Web development, it does not actually have a formal language specification — just extensive user documentation. But that is all set to change.

Led by Facebook, a draft specification has been posted on GitHub to provide a complete definition of PHP language semantics and syntax.

via PHP gets its own formal language specification | Php web – InfoWorld.

Why the Security of USB Is Fundamentally Broken

Computer users pass around USB sticks like silicon business cards. Although we know they often carry malware infections, we depend on antivirus scans and the occasional reformatting to keep our thumbdrives from becoming the carrier for the next digital epidemic. But the security problems with USB devices run deeper than you think: Their risk isn’t just in what they carry, it’s built into the core of how they work.

That’s the takeaway from findings security researchers Karsten Nohl and Jakob Lell plan to present next week, demonstrating a collection of proof-of-concept malicious software that highlights how the security of USB devices has long been fundamentally broken. The malware they created, called BadUSB, can be installed on a USB device to completely take over a PC, invisibly alter files installed from the memory stick, or even redirect the user’s internet traffic. Because BadUSB resides not in the flash memory storage of USB devices, but in the firmware that controls their basic functions, the attack code can remain hidden long after the contents of the device’s memory would appear to the average user to be deleted. And the two researchers say there’s no easy fix: The kind of compromise they’re demonstrating is nearly impossible to counter without banning the sharing of USB devices or filling your port with superglue.

via Why the Security of USB Is Fundamentally Broken | Threat Level | WIRED.

If you want to be rich and powerful, majoring in STEM is a good place to start

The standard narrative today is that science, technology, mathematics, and engineering (STEM) education is important because we need more data scientists, engineers, and STEM professionals. But promoting STEM education is critical for another reason: it teaches creative problem solving, which is widely applicable and more necessary than ever today. STEM education is linked to success not only in STEM fields, but in many other disciplines and even among many of the world’s most wealthy and powerful people.

At the heart of mathematics is pattern recognition and the joy of numerical play. What psychologists might call fluid reasoning, or mental power, is what you use when you’re struggling with a problem and don’t know what to do. This includes pattern recognition, abstract reasoning, and problem solving, and can be considered the engine powering numeracy. It is fundamental to so much of human and technological progress, as Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee noted in The Second Machine Age. Math education, then, is really about training people to think creatively within a logical space and to solve problems.

via If you want to be rich and powerful, majoring in STEM is a good place to start – Quartz.