The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program has announced new projects designed to support cybersecurity research and education and address grand challenges in cybersecurity science and engineering. SaTC has awarded Frontier awards to help establish the Center for Encrypted Functionalities (CEF), and to the Modular Approach to Cloud Security (MACS) project. CEF’s goal is to use new encryption methods to make a computer program invisible to outside observers without compromising its functionality, through program obfuscation, which involves creating software that can hide vulnerabilities from potential adversaries and strengthen encryption and information transfer. CEF also plans to introduce cybersecurity and computer science to under-represented groups and to develop free Massive Open Online Courses on the fundamental principles of encryption. Meanwhile, MACS will build information systems for the cloud with multilayered security, and plans to use the Massachusetts Open Cloud as a testbed. MACS will build the cybersecurity system from separate functional components to develop an entire system derived from the security of its components.