CI Computer Science students build a digital forensic tool

On August 7, 2017, the CI Computer Science students presented a prototype of a digital forensic tool, which we named SEAKER (Storage Evaluator and Knowledge Extraction Reader), as part of their Masters COMP 524 Cybersecurity course. This project was a collaboration between the Ventura County District Attorney (VCDA) Digital Forensics Lab and CI Computer Science, under the umbrella of the SoCal High Technology Task Force (HTTF).

The students presented a live demo with devices supplied by the Ventura County DA.  The SEAKER prototype was able to compile search results in less than a minute depending on the size of the device. According to VCDA officials at the presentation this is a remarkable increase in efficiency and will be a useful tool in the field: while imaging of a hd can take up to 4 hours, SEAKER performs a triage search in minutes.

Digital Forensics (DF) deals with the recovery and investigation of clues from digital devices (computers, handhelds, iPads, routers, modems, DVRs, etc.). The goal of this effort is to support or refute a hypothesis in court. DF is a complex and technical field: it can be used to attribute evidence to specific suspects, confirm alibis or statements, determine intent, identify sources, or authenticate documents.

A DF investigation commonly consists of 3 stages: acquisition or imaging of exhibits, analysis and reporting. The SEAKER tool helps with the acquisition of data from digital devices in a way that prevents tampering.

The SEAKER project was a fantastic learning experience for our students, as its design and prototyping combined many different skills: The C programming language, BASH shell scripting, the Linux Operating Systems and command line, the Raspberry Pi hardware, Gliffy diagrams, Dropbox Paper (which we used as a Wiki); Slack collaborative discussion / brainstorming tool, the GitHub software repository which was used as a collaborative tool in the design of the software that animated the Raspberry Pi, WordPress blogging, AWS S3 which served as a repository of the final product, Grep (regular expressions and pattern matching), working with different file systems, and of course strict performance (speed, read only). All of this had to be combined by a group of 18 students, with different backgrounds and skill sets to produce something that could be used by DF examiners.

One of the CI pillars is Community Engagement and Service Learning. This approach identifies needs in the community, and builds a curriculum around research and development to address those needs. The SEAKER project is a great example of such a symbiotic relation between CI and the community. Also, it is an example of the strength of a pedagogical approach that combines both theory and practice. Without theory a field becomes a collection of ad hoc procedures. But without practice theory becomes an abstract exercise in intellectual virtuosity. We plan to build on the approach that combines the Service Learning and Theory & Practice paradigms as we go forward with our Computer Science program in Security Systems Engineering and our Masters level offering in Cybersecurity.

Some photos from the event:

Original event announcement.

SEAKER presentation at CI on August 7 at 6pm in DEL NORTE 1530


“Storage Evaluator And Knowledge Extraction Reader”

On Monday August 7, at 6pm, in DEL NORTE 1530, the COMP 524 (Cybersecurity) students will present their final project, a technical solution for the SoCal High Technology Task Force in Ventura. This project implements a digital forensic tool with strict performance requirements.

We used GitHub as the software repository, Dropbox Paper for the documentation Wiki, and AWS S3 for distribution of the production version of the software.

You are cordially invited to attend; the presentation will take about two hours, and there will be snacks (Short link to this post:

Mechatronics Engineering at CSUCI

an information talk

Click here.


The Department of Computer Science at CSU Channel Islands is delighted to announce that we will be starting a new program in Mechatronics Engineering in 2018.

We will be taking in the first group of 24 students in the fall of 2018, and growing the program by a new cohort of 24 students every year after that, for a total of just under 100 students thereafter.

CSUCI’s news release and landing page:

In the local news:

Alternative (short) links to this page:

The CI Mechatronics program has been assigned, by the Chancellor’s Office, the following:

  • CSU degree-program code: 09102
  • CIP code:14.4201

Mechatronics Zoom meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 6:00 p.m.; to register

Mechatronics Flyer:

What is Mechatronics?

Mechatronics is a fast growing area of Engineering that is interdisciplinary by nature, as it combines aspects of Mechanics, Control Theory, Computer Science, and Electronics, in order to improve and optimize the design and functionality of systems, as well as making them more economical and reliable. Industrial robots and drones are quintessential examples of mechatronics systems: they include aspects of electronics, mechanics, and computing. Modern production equipment consists of mechatronic modules that are integrated according to a suitable control architecture. Popular examples include automotive subsystems, including anti-lock brakes and spin-assist, as well as everyday equipment, such as autofocus cameras, video, hard disks and CD players.

The complexity of mechatronics requires at least a bachelor’s degree to get into the field. Although the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not provide specific salary information for mechatronics engineers, it does show that median annual wages for all specialized engineers not categorized was $92,680 as of May 2013. The middle 50% of these professionals earned between $68,610 and $117,930 yearly.

The need for mechatronics at ci

CSU Channel Islands is the only public university in the County of Ventura. The campus is strategically located on the so called “101 Tech Corridor,” sharing the neighborhood with companies such as Amgen, Haas, Teledyne Technologies, HRL Laboratories, and many others, not to mention Point Mugu and Port Hueneme Naval bases, as well as Lockheed, Rocketdyne, and other companies in the greater Los Angeles area. Therefore there is a great need and demand for engineers in the local industry and community.

The local companies strongly support the establishment of an Engineering program on the CI campus, and a comprehensive report was produced in 2013 with recommendation for an engineering degree that would meet the needs of the community. In this report it was noted that Ventura County hires about 290 engineers each year, not to mention that the local Naval Bases send their officers to complete their Engineering degrees across the nation, which results in high costs for the Navy, and a loss of revenue for Ventura County.

Mechatronics curriculum

Note that this is still a provisional curriculum; we may make small changes to it as we are implementing the program for the start date of fall 2018.

Code Name Units GE Prerequisites in Place
CHEM 105 Introduction to Chemistry 3 No prerequisites
MATH 150 Calculus I 4 3 Calculus Placement Exam. or MATH 105
EMEC 121 Programming in C part 1 4 3 MATH 105 or equiv., COMP 105 or permission
EMEC 122 Programming in C part 2 4 EMEC 121
MATH 250 Calculus III 3 MATH 151 with at least a C
COMP 151 Data Structures and Program Design 4 COMP 150
COMP 162 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language 3 COMP 150
MATH/PHIL 230 Logic and Mathematical Reasoning 3 3 No prerequisites
MATH 240 Linear Algebra 3 MATH 151
COMP 232 Programming Languages 3 COMP 150, COMP 151, COMP 162
COMP 262 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 COMP 151, COMP 162
EMEC 200 Logic Circuits 4 MATH 150, MATH 230, COMP 162
EMEC 225 Engineering Design 3 EMEC 200
PHYS 200 General Physics I 4 3 MATH 150
PHYS 201 General Physics II 4 PHYS 200, MATH 151
EMEC/PHYS 221 Engineering Materials 3 CHEM 105, PHYS 200
PHYS 301 Classical Mechanics 3 PHYS 200, MATH 350
COMP 350 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 COMP 232, COMP 262
MATH 350 Differential Equations & Dynamical Systems 3 MATH 250
MATH 352 Probability and Statistics 3 MATH 351
EMEC/PHYS 310 Electronics 4 PHYS 201
EMEC 311 Digital Systems Design 3 EMEC 200
EMEC 315 Modeling of Mechatronics Systems 3 MATH 350
EMEC 316 Sensors and Measurements 3 COMP 151, EMEC/PHYS 310
EMEC/COMP 462 Embedded Systems 3 COMP 350 or consent
EMEC/COMP 470 Mobile Robotics 3 COMP 350, MATH 240 or consent
EMEC 463 Feedback Control Systems 3 MATH 240, MATH 350
EMEC 491 Capstone Preparation 1 Senior standing in Mechatronics Major
EMEC 499 Capstone 3 Senior standing in Mechatronics Major
Major 93
Total 132
Optional Electives:
EMEC 401 Fluid Mechanics 3 Senior standing in Mechatronics Major
EMEC/PHYS 305 Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 MATH 350, PHYS 201
COMP/ART/IT 464 Computer Graphic System and Design I 3 COMP 350, MATH 240

 student learning outcomes

We envision the following Program Learning Outcomes; our graduates will:

  1. Be competent engineers and problem solvers.
  2. Possess a high level of erudition in the field of Mechatronics Engineering.
  3. Have knowledge of standard engineering tools, and their application in the field.
  4. Be effective communicators.
  5. Be prepared to undertake engineering jobs in a wide variety of engineering fields.

Based on our experience, and the experience of other programs, we propose the following initial small set of Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering.
  2. Design experiments to evaluate the performance of a mechatronic system or component with respect to specifications.
  3. Design a mechatronic system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
  4. Define and solve an Engineering problem.
  5. Develop and defend a written statement of professional ethical responsibility related to their field of study.
  6. Ability to communicate effectively.

1 will be covered in the first two years’ science and introductory courses (programming, calculus, chemistry, physics, etc.), and rigorous logical / critical thinking will be taught in many courses, for example MATH/PHIL 230. 2, 3, 4 will be covered in multiple courses, for example Engineering Design will be taught in EMEC 225, while solving engineering problems will be taught in Mobile Robotics (EMEC/COMP 470) or Embedded Systems (EMEC/COMP 462). Communication skills will be taught in General Education courses, such as first-year writing courses.

summary of new courses

EMEC 200 – Logic Circuits: Basics of digital electronic devices and methodologies used in digital circuit design. Design, analysis and trouble shooting of logic gates, counters, registers, memory units, pulse and switching circuits, and control circuits. Comparison of digital TTL integrated circuits with other families of logic devices. Includes student projects.

EMEC/PHYS 221 – Engineering Materials: Examines the interrelationships between processing, structure, properties, and performance of various engineering materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, and semiconductors. Studies the effects of heat, stress, imperfections, and chemical environments upon material properties and performance. Emphasizes developing an ability to select appropriate materials to meet engineering design criteria.

EMEC 225 – Engineering Design: Introduction to engineering design processes, methods, and decision making using team design projects; design communication methods including graphical, verbal, and written.

EMEC 311 – Digital Systems Design: Introduces students to the design of digital systems using hardware description languages. The student will the use computer-aided design tools to design, simulate, prototype, and verify complex digital systems using programmable logic devices and field-programmable gate arrays.

EMEC 315 – Modeling of Mechatronic Systems: Introduces students to modeling techniques and analysis of mechatronic systems. Topics such as state-space and transfer function representation, linearization, and frequency domain analysis are covered. Simulation software will be utilized to quantify and visualize system performance.

EMEC 316 – Sensors and Measurements: Basic measurements with standard laboratory instruments and common sensor interfaces are introduced. Topics include the calibration, transient responses, and statistical characterization of common sensors used in mechatronic systems.

EMEC 401 – Fluid Mechanics: Principal concepts and methods of fluid mechanics are introduced. Students will learn to apply these concepts and methods to the design of fluid systems.

EMEC 463 – Feedback Control Systems: Analysis and design of feedback control systems. Topics include representing dynamical systems with transfer functions and state variables, stability and dynamic analysis using techniques from both the time and frequency domains, the design of feedback regulators and controllers, and computer aided design and analysis.

EMEC 491 – Capstone Preparation: Research and develop a proposal for a significant Mechatronics project under faculty supervision.

EMEC 499 – Capstone: Design, implement and present a significant Mechatronics project under faculty supervision.

abet accreditation

From the ABET website:

We are a nonprofit, non-governmental accrediting agency for programs in applied science, computing, engineering and engineering technology and we are recognized as an accreditor by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

ABET accreditation provides assurance that a college or university program meets the quality standards of the profession for which that program prepares graduates.

A scrutiny of the ABET requirements for Mechatronics shows that many of the courses required for such a degree are already being offered at CI. We have a strong offering in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics, and with a modicum of effort we could have a program meeting the requirements for an ABET accreditation. The main investment would be three new faculty members, and appropriate lab equipment. We have already hired a new faculty (starting date fall 2017), Houman Dallali, and we are going to hire further two new faculty. Our goal is to seek ABET accreditation within 4 to 5 years.

LAb space

The new lab space in the Sierra Hall building opened in the fall of 2015. We have 3 general labs, and 3 dedicated labs (Robotics, Embedded Systems, and Networks & Security), as well as a tutoring center. More information about our labs can be found here: We are also in the process of organizing further space for our Mechatronics needs, but the current labs are well set up for the initial needs.

Digital Forensics and Security Toolkit to be made available online

My student Mattias Huber presenting a tool for detecting Malware at the CSU Channel Islands Computer Science Capstone Showcase on May 11, 2017.

This tool can be used to upload a target file, directory, or URL to Virus Total, a website that scans the target with around 60 virus scanners from the industry. If the target is not already in the Virus Total database, the scan will be queued and completed shortly. As this is an asynchronous process, this tool is useful in uploading jobs, checking if jobs have completed, and displaying reports on completed jobs. The system also keeps track of all files uploaded, performs checks on already uploaded files to save bandwidth, saves all completed reports in a list, and all positive reports in a separate list.

Utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS), Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and Simple Storage Service (S3), this system can be set up allow users to place files into a S3 bucket which will then be scanned automatically and user can be notified of any possible positives found.

  1. The User places a file they wish to scan into the S3 bucket, such as
  2. A dedicated EC2 instance watches the bucket, detects the new file, and uploads the file to Virus Total.
  3. The EC2 instance waits until Virus Total returns a completed report.
  4. If any positives are found the instance notifies the user, otherwise the report is added to the completed list.

Virus total has a public API that is limited to 6 uploads per minute, but CSU Channel Islands was granted research API access which is limited to 600 uploads per minute.

Mattias is going to make this tool available for everyone through GitHub.

Capstone Showcase Spring 2017; see here for more details and here for more pictures. And click here for the presentation poster.

CI Begins Preparing For Proposed Engineering Program

A university on the South Coast is preparing for a new engineering program it hopes to have in place within the next two years.Cal State Channel Islands in Camarillo proposed to launch an engineering program last summer. University officials say they’re still awaiting final approval from the CSU Chancellor’s Office, but they expect to get a green light soon.

So, they’ve begun the planning process for a program focused on mechatronics, which is a combination of mechanical and electrical engineering.

“The animation of mechanical devices by software” said Michael Soltys, chair of the Computer Science Department, which mechatronics will be housed under.

He said few engineering programs have an emphasis in this field.“We’re thinking of starting mechatronics with small robotic mobility, like drones, like underwater robots. Robots that move, that walk, that drive,” he said.

The university has begun hiring faculty and designing courses. The goal is to start the engineering program in the fall of 2018 with 24 students.

Source: South Coast University Begins Preparing For Proposed Engineering Program | KCLU

Mechatronics at CI

The following from:

A university on the South Coast is preparing for a new engineering program it hopes to have in place within the next two years.

Cal State Channel Islands in Camarillo proposed to launch an engineering program last summer. University officials say they’re still awaiting final approval from the CSU Chancellor’s Office, but they expect to get a green light soon.

So, they’ve begun the planning process for a program focused on mechatronics, which is a combination of mechanical and electrical engineering.

“The animation of mechanical devices by software” said Michael Soltys, chair of the Computer Science Department, which mechatronics will be housed under.

He said few engineering programs have an emphasis in this field.

“We’re thinking of starting mechatronics with small robotic mobility, like drones, like underwater robots. Robots that move, that walk, that drive,” he said.

The university has begun hiring faculty and designing courses. The goal is to start the engineering program in the fall of 2018 with 24 students.

Indeterminates in London

Today my masters student Joel Helling presented our joint work, Constructing an Indeterminate String from its Associated Graph,  co-authored with P.J. Ryan, W.F. Smyth, at the LSD & LAW 2017 conference. This work started with the visit of W.F. Smyth at CSU Channel Islands in March 2016 – see here, when Joel, Bill and I started working on an initial algorithm designed by Joel; this algorithm computed a labeling for a graph such that any two nodes that shared an edge would also share a label, and would not share a label otherwise. Of course, the easy way to do this is to assign each edge a unique label; but there are better ways of doing it, in the sense that fewer labels may be required (for example, imagine a clique: then a single label would do it). This problem is directly related to indeterminate strings; strings that arise in bio-informatics, where certain positions may consist of several possible symbols. For example, {a,b}ab{a,b,c}{b,c}a, where the first position is not determined (it could be a or b), the second position is a, the third b, the fourth is again not determined (it could be a or b or c), etc. Such strings are well suited to represent genetic
information which often contains “noise”. The paper is now accepted for publication in Elsevier’s journal of Theoretical Computer Science,  as well as presented by Joel at the conference.

I would like to express my gratitude to the British Royal Society for awarding us an exchange grant, CSU Channel Islands / King’s College London, which financed the trip of Joel Helling.

CI Facebook post.

Participate in Programming Competitions with CS!

Professor Brian Thoms will be holding a meeting for students interested in programming competitions (ACM and GURU). It will be in Sierra Hall 1131, Friday Sept 23 at 12.

This is a great way to make friends, learn coding, and participate in an exciting competition.

We have done very well in the past: