Positions in Barcelona

Professor Nataša Pržulj is looking for several PhD students to work in analyzing large-scale molecular and patient data to aid personalizing treatment.  The successful candidates will work on the prestigious ERC Consolidator grant of Prof. Pržulj titled “Integrated Connectedness for a New Representation of Biology”.  The successful candidates will complete a PhD, which will address multiple topics: developing and applying sophisticated models and algorithms carefully tuned to extract relevant biological and medical knowledge from systems-level real-world molecular and medical data, including whole genome sequences, epigenetic data, protein-protein interaction networks, signaling networks, metabolic networks, transcriptional regulation networks, gene and disease ontologies, drug similarity networks, drug-target interactions, drug-drug interactions, patient records, lifestyle data, electronic health records etc.; the aim is to mine these inter-linked heterogeneous networked data for new biological and medical insight that would lead to improving diagnostics, discovering new biomarkers, improving patient stratification and treatment, personalizing treatment and facilitate rational drug development. The successful candidates will join a dynamic research group of Prof. Przulj within BSC.  The students will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, will have access to systems and computational infrastructures, and will establish collaborations with experts in different areas.

Applications Procedure

Please send the following documents to natasha@bsc.es:

1.      A full CV including contact details.
2.      Academic transcripts from Undergraduate and MSc.
3.      Three letters of recommendation. The references should email their letters directly to natasha@bsc.es before the deadline.
4.      A statement of motivation and research interests.

Comp Sci alum Joel Helling working as a Software Engineer at GBL in Camarillo

Joel Helling is a Software Engineer at GBL Systems Corporation and part-time lecturer at CSUCI. He started working at GBL Systems, a government contractor based in Camarillo, in 2014 working on various projects from automated website design, implementation, and testing to desktop application development. Currently, he develops Test and Evaluation tools for the Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) and supports the development of the Testing and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) Software Development Activity (SDA) including maintaining and updating legacy applications, and designing and implementing new software tools.

Joel completed his Master’s in Computer Science in 2018. His Master’s Thesis, under the advisement of Dr. Soltys, discussed the intersection of stringology and graph theory by relating indeterminate strings with undirected graphs and proving some properties of the indeterminate string and its associated alphabet size. The paper was later published in the Journal of Theoretical Computer Science. Currently, Joel is also working as a part-time lecturer for CSUCI. See here for details.

Get Fast-Tracked for 2019 Jobs & Internships with IBM Through Uncubed

Interested in meeting experts at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing & Machine Learning, and landing a job or internship with the company at the forefront of it all?

IBM & Uncubed are bringing together students looking for full-time opportunities in 2019 to learn about the future of AI: from reducing environmental pollution and predicting weather patterns to protecting public safety and personalizing education practices.

Events will take place this November across Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, and Toronto — travel & lodging provided (read FREE!)

(Not looking for a full-time position yet? Apply through Uncubed and get priority access to 2019 internships.)

Students will be selected through our application process — we currently have full-time & internship positions available in Engineering & Development, Product Management, Design & UX, Data Science, and more!

Learn more and apply here.

Questions? Contact us at ibm@uncubed.com.

TradeDesk info session on open positions on October 2

Please see the attached flyer for the Trade Desk Info Session on October 2, 2018 from 11-1 in BT 1471. Please share widely and encourage students to obtain a resume review in advance of attending this event. The first part of the info session will include an overview about the ad tech industry and company followed by time to meet and greet with TTD representatives.

It is highly recommended that interested applicants bring a copy of their resume to this info session. TTD is hiring for several open positions and will be in attendance at our Career & Internship Fair on October 17, 2018 from 10-2 at Broome Library Plaza. For information on the fair, download the Career Fair Plus App to view participating employers, filter based on needs, and research companies in real-time. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Employer info session-1

Employment opportunity at Rio School District

Rio School District is interested in hiring 3 – 5 STEM majors as AVID tutors at a rate of $11.50 per hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:45 – 2 PM (6.25 hours twice a week) at Rio del Valle Middle School. The duties for this position are to support middle school students and to support the MESA program at the school.

For more questions contact: philip.hampton@csuci.edu

Our graduates getting great jobs!

PhD fellowships in Computer Science at the University of Pisa

14 PhD fellowships in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, covering three years: Nov 2018 – Oct 2021

This PhD program is a joint collaboration between the University of Pisa and the Universities of Florence and Sienna. Among the 14 fellowships: one is specifically reserved to students which got their master degree outside Italy, one fellowship is devoted to researches on Cyber-security, one on the theme Big Data, and one onthe theme “Human-Robot Interaction”. The others cover the general theme “Computer Science”. We also have 4 more positions without fellowships.

Fellowships are increased by 50% for periods of research visits abroad. Extra funding is available for participation to international conferences, schools, workshops, and short research visits. The language of the PhD program is English.

The deadline for applications is 25 July 2018 (hr 13:00).

For more info on the call please look at the site:

EN: http://dottorato.unipi.it/index.php/en/application-process-for-the-academic-year-2018-2019.html

IT: http://dottorato.unipi.it/index.php/it/concorsi-d-ammissione-a-a-2018-2019.html

Continue reading “PhD fellowships in Computer Science at the University of Pisa”

RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) is finding two postdoc researchers

Succinct information processing unit in RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) is finding two postdoc researchers.
Deadline for application: July the 31st, 2018
Start date: Mutually agreed
Term: at least three years that can be extended
Salary: relatively high (depends on your academic record); Fee for an apartment and commute will be supported.
AIP is a new research center for artificial intelligence in Japan.
Succinct information processing unit aims at developing new methods in the area of data compression, data structures, algorithms and their applications in machine learning.
Please contact Yasuo Tabei (yasuo.tabei@riken.jp) directly for more information.
For more detail about AIP and job description, also visit